Program Faculty

Martín Plot
Adjunct Faculty, School of Critical Studies
661-255-1050 x2248

Martín Plot (PhD, New School for Social Research, 2004—Alfred Schutz Memorial Award in Philosophy and Sociology) was a full-time faculty in the CalArts' School of Critical Studies from 2003 to 2015. Since then, he has become a Research Fellow in Political Thought in the CalArts' MA... Continue reading »

Janet Sarbanes
Director of Faculty Affairs
Interim Program Director, Aesthetics & Politics

Janet Sarbanes is the author of the short story collections Army of One and The Protester Has Been Released, and a book of essays, Letters on the Autonomy Project, which explores autonomy as a political and aesthetic concept and practice. The recipient of a... Continue reading »

* Faculty Emeritus
Part-time Faculty