Algorithms, Infrastructures, Art, Curation (AIAC)

Algorithms, Infrastructures, Art, Curation (AIAC)

Event DateEvent Date

Event LocationLocation

Off Campus West Hollywood Library
City Council Chambers
625 N. San Vicente Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA 90069

Image: Dany Naierman, port_capa (2017). Image credit: Dany Naierman

AIAC is a research project hosted by the MA Aesthetics and Politics program in the School of Critical Studies at the California Institute of the Arts. The project explores aesthetic and political issues related to algorithms and infrastructures in art and curation, ranging from finance to climate change, from human exclusion zones to bitcoin and blockchain, from search algorithms to theories of natural selection, and more. 

Organized by MA program director Arne De Boever and MA program alum Dany Naierman, the project includes a public day-long series of presentations by and conversations with local, U.S., and international scholars, artists, activists, and curators on Saturday, January 26th, 2019. N. Katherine Hayles will give the day’s closing presentation. On Friday, January 25th, the conference participants will be joined by first- and second-year MA students in Aesthetics and Politics for an exploration of the Los Angeles harbor. This part of the project, which is not open to the public but will leave its traces on Saturday’s public presentations, will be guided by Dany Naierman and Brian Holmes. Other speakers include: Michael Bryant, Andrew Culp, Ken Ehrlich, Laura Finch, Aude Launay, Jonas Lund, Nicolas Maigret, Sara Mameni, Maria Roszkowska, Wesley Simon, and Stephen Wright.

Conference sponsors:

The MA Aesthetics and Politics program, CalArts
City of West Hollywood
The Port of Los Angeles

This event is free and open to the public.

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